Monday, June 23, 2014
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
اللغه / language
للغه و الكلام اربعه اعمده مهمه يجب الاهتمام بها :
والاهتمام بجميع الجوانب يجعلها متوازنه
١- اللغه التعبيريه
وهي التعبير عن طريق الكلام او بوسائل اخرى كالاشاره و بيكس و غيره
٢- اللغه الاستقباليه
و هي فهم الطفل للكلام و الاوامر
٣- اللعب
للعب مراحل متعدده و من اللعب نستطيع بناء لغة الطفل و تواصله
٣- التقليد
ان يقلد الطفل الاخرين بآشكال متعدده و فيها مراحل عده
سآتحدث قليلا عن كل عامود من الاعمده
اولا : اللغه التعبيريه :
و هي ان يقول الطفل او يوصل الشيء الذي يريده
و ممكن بنائها عن طريق عدة طرق منها :
١- بيكس
٢- تعليم الطفل عن اي شيء يمسكه و نقول له اسمه
٣- التلقين و هي عن طريق الصور
٤- التحدث على لسان الطفل
و الخ
ثانيا: اللغه الاستقباليه :
و هي ان يفهم الطفل ما يقال له من اوامر و اساله
و ممكن بنائه عن طريق :
١- مساعدة الطفل جسديا عندما نسآل اين ....؟ نمسك يده و نجعله يآشر على الشيء او نآمر الطفل و نقوم بمساعدته للقيام بالامر مثال : سكر الباب و تقوم الام بآخذ الولد لتسكير الباب
٢- نضع بطاقات و نسآل الطفل اين ....؟ و يقوم الطفل بالاشاره عليها و غيرها
ثالثا : اللعب
و علاقة اللعب باللغه علاقه كبيره . ان يفهم الطفل ان السياره اللعبه هي نفسها السياره الحقيقيه و الدميه تمثل الاشخاص سيفهم معنى ان كلمه ماء نقصد بها السائل الذي نشربه وقت العطش و اللعب التخيلي يجعل الطفل يفهم النكت و القصص
و علاقة اللعب باللغه علاقه كبيره . ان يفهم الطفل ان السياره اللعبه هي نفسها السياره الحقيقيه و الدميه تمثل الاشخاص سيفهم معنى ان كلمه ماء نقصد بها السائل الذي نشربه وقت العطش و اللعب التخيلي يجعل الطفل يفهم النكت و القصص
للعب مراحل عديده اولها
١- اللعب الحسي او الاستكشافي
٢- اللعب البنائي
٣- اللعب التخيلي
رابعا: التقليد
علاقة التقليد باللغه هي ان يفهم الطفل انه يستطيع تقليد الاخرين و هذا يساعده على ان يقلد الاخرين في الكلام و تسمية الاشياء
فلذلك يجب على الاهالي الاهتمام بجميع الجوانب لتحسين لغة الطفل
سأتحدث عن كل واحدة منها لاحقا
Language need four important columns to be addressed :
addressing all aspects will makes it balanced
Expressive language means being able to put thoughts into words and sentences, or by using PECS sing language and etc.
2 - receptive language
it means the ability to understand or comprehend language heard or read.
3 - play
playing has multiple stages and we can build a child's language and communication with it
3 - imitation
imitating has multiple stages in the child life
I'll talk a little bit about each column :
First: expressive language :
Expressive language means being able to put thoughts into words and sentences, or by using PECS sing language and etc.
And we can improve it in several ways , such as :
1 - Pecs
2 - teach the child about anything he's interesting in and tell him its name
3 - showing pictures to the child and teaching him
4- reading stories
5 - to say what is the child is doing and describing it
6- And etc.
Second, receptive language :
Receptive language means the ability to understand or comprehend language heard or read.
And we can improve it in several ways , such as :
1 - by Helping the child with full physical assistant when we ask him ( where is .... ? ) we hold his hand and make him point on the photo or the object
2- follow commands : for example : we ask the child to open the door and the mother take the child to the door to open it
2- etc.
Third: play
Through play all areas of a child’s development can be enhanced. Play positively supports children’s social/emotional, physical, cognitive, language, and literacy skills, is essential to a child’s overall healthy development (Ginsburg, 2007; Packer Isenberg & Quisenberry, 2002)
when the child understands that the car( toy ) is the same as the real car and doll representing people , he /she will understand the meaning of that word water that means the liquid that we drink when we are thirsty and imaginative play help the child understand jokes and stories.....
Stages of play
solitary play: a child playing with blocks alone in a corner.
parallel play: two or more children playing with blocks near each other but not talking with each other.
associative play: two or more children playing with blocks building the same thing, talking with each other but not working together to create something.
cooperative play: two or more children are playing with blocks building the same thing, talking with each other and working together to create something.
imaginative play is essentially when children are role playing and are acting out various experiences they may have had or something that is of some interest to them.
Fourth: imitation
Children pay attention to what other children do. Younger children look up to older children. Games that involve imitation and other social interaction help children feel a social connection with other children . parents may notice how much their children “pick things up” from other children.
Therefore, parents and caregiver should pay attention to all the aspects to improve their child's language and social skills
I will talk about each one of them in detail in the next post
المصادر :resources
كتاب علمني كيف اتواصل - لما العوهلي