تعلم طفلك للمعكوسات يساعده في زيادة عدد المفردات لديه . و هنالك طرق عديده لتعليم الطفل المعكوسات من خلال الصور او الالعاب او اللعب
ابدئي بفرق كبير بين الصفات مثال: طاوله (كبيره) وقلم ( صغير)
قللي الفرق تدريجياً ، مثال: كتاب (كبير) و دفتر (صغير)
ثالثاً :
قللي الفرق إلى أن يتمكن الطفل من مقارنة شيئين متقاربين مثال: محمد أطول من فهد
رابعاً :
يوظف الطفل الصفات في حديثه.
مثال :
علمي طفل من خلال العابه مثلا احضري دب كبير و دب صغير
او من خلال اللعب
- خطوه كبيره خطوه صغيره
- وجه فرحان وجه زعلان
opposites / adj :
Opposites are pairs of words that have different meanings. Learning and comprehending basic
concepts word pairs of opposites allows children to gain new vocabulary as well. For example, when a child comprehends the opposite word pair of hot/cold, he/she can then expand his/her vocabulary with words such as warm/cool.
Start with a large difference Example: table (big) and Pen (small)
Cut down on the difference gradually, for example: the book (large) and notebook (small)
Limit the difference to be able to compare between the two things example: Mohammed longer than Fahd
the child uses the opposites in his everyday speech
- Find a small teddy bear and a big one to teach big and small or baby and adult.
- Using balls of different sizes and weights you can teach big and small, heavy and light, and float or sink.
- Using a ball and a bucket, cup or box, teach your toddler in and out, over and under, as well as up and down.
- Some toys have volume - for example toy dog, trucks, dolls. Use these toys to teach loud and quiet.
Here are a few simple activities that you can do with your toddler
- Reach high to the sky and low to the ground
- Take a big step and a little step
- Clap your hands loudly and quietly
- Run fast, then slow (toddler’s pace)
- Happy face, sad face
- Fill a cup with water, empty cup
- Open lid, shut lid
- Sit down, stand up
- Turn to the right and then left
- Jump up and crouch down
Ways to Teach Opposites - by Kevin Stuckey, M.Ed., CCC-SLP